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1 - Basic

A simple block with a description.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Contentfield_block_contentYesWYSIWYG field without summary.

2 - Block Menu

Implements custom block type with a links.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Menu Linksfield_menu_block_linksYesThe Menu Links.
Colorfield_menu_block_colorYesSelect colors for menu block background gradient.
Text colorfield_menu_block_text_colorYesSelect text color of the menu block.

3 - Branch Amenities

A block with amenities list of the current branch.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Branch amenitiesfield_branch_amYesUses only Custom Formatter to display a list of amenities within Paragraph block.
Linkfield_sb_linkNoLink to display at the bottom of the block.
Titlefield_sb_titleNoTitle to display at top of block.
Icon classfield_icon_classNoProvide a “Font Awesome” icon name, e.g. flag, car, info. Overrides image icon.

4 - Custom Simple

A simple block with a body.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Iconfield_iconNoIcon for block.
Icon classfield_icon_classNoProvide a “Font Awesome” icon name, e.g. flag, car, info. Overrides image icon.
Bodyfield_sb_bodyNoEnter body text.
Linkfield_sb_linkNoAdd link to the block.
Titlefield_sb_titleNoTitle to display at top of block.

5 - Flexible

A block with amenities list of the current branch.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Node referencefield_node_refYesProvide reference to Node.