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Content Types

Welcome to the YMCA Website Services Content Types documentation

In terms of YMCA Website Services - content types are bundles of node entity of the Drupal Framework. You can find a much more low level documentation at

YMCA Website Services has a bunch of content types shipped for the convenience of usage the resulting site. We are not limiting amount of content types, could be added by developers, so the list is not final. The only rule we are trying to follow is to cover shipped list of content types by YMCA Website Services upgrade path.

1 - Activity

Activity content type is used for adding Activities on the site.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Titledrupal’s defaultYesTitle of the activity item.
Program Subcategoryfield_activity_categoryYesA reference field for selecting the program subcategory.
Content AreaField group
Descriptionfield_activity_descriptionNoTextarea for the description/body with WYSIWYG, without summary.

URL pattern

Content type is using following pattern: /programs/[node:field_activity_category:entity:field_category_program:entity:title]/[node:field_activity_category:entity:title]/[node:title]

2 - Alert

Alert content type is used for adding alerts on the site.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Titledrupal’s defaultYesTitle of the activity item.
Background colorfield_alert_colorYesReference field for choosing the term from “Color” vocabulary.
Text colorfield_alert_text_colorYesReference field for choosing the term from “Color” vocabulary.
Icon colorfield_alert_icon_colorNoReference field for choosing the term from “Color” vocabulary. Description for field: “Leave empty to hide icon.”
Placementfield_alert_placeYesSelect list field (singular) for choosing place:
  • Header
  • Footer
Descriptionfield_alert_descriptionYesTextarea for the description/body with WYSIWYG, without summary.
Linkfield_alert_linkNoInternal or external link.
Referencefield_alert_belongsNoEntity reference with autocomplete to any node. Description for field: “Reference to node (branch, camp, landing page and etc.), where local alert will be displayed.”

URL pattern

Content type is using following pattern: /alert/[node:title].

3 - Article

Article content type is used for adding blog posts, news items, and press releases on the site.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Titledrupal’s defaultYesTitle of the article item.
Sub-titledefault??NoSub-title of the article item
Locationsfield_article_locationYesReference field to branch and camp nodes. Multiple Values.
Categoryfield_article_categoryNoReference field for choosing the term from “Blog Category” vocabulary. Multiple Values.
Meta Tagsfield_meta_tagsNoA meta tags field allows us to provide structured metadata and Graph meta tags for Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn and other social networking sites.
Typefield_article_typeYesSelect list field with multiple options for choosing article type:
  • News Item (default)
  • Blog Post
  • Press Release
Imagefield_article_imageNoImage field for the Blog item. Entity reference to Media bundle.
BodybodyNoTextarea for the description/body with WYSIWYG, without summary.
Contentfield_contentNoFilter list of available layout builder components
Related Contentfield_article_relatedNoReference field for choosing related Article nodes. Multiple Values.

URL pattern

Content type is using following pattern: /blog/[node:title] /news/[node:title] /press-release/[node:title]

4 - Blog

Blog Post content type is used for adding blog posts on the site.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Titledrupal’s defaultYesTitle of the blog item.
Locationsfield_blog_locationYesReference field to branch and camp nodes. Multiple Values.
Categoryfield_blog_categoryNoReference field for choosing the term from “Blog Category” vocabulary. Multiple Values.
Meta Tagsfield_meta_tagsNoA meta tags field allows us to provide structured metadata and Graph meta tags for Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn and other social networking sites.
StylesField group
Stylefield_blog_styleYesSelect list field with multiple options for choosing style:
  • Story Card
  • Photo Card
  • News Card (default)
  • Color Card
Background colorfield_blog_colorNoteaser background color (used when Color Card style is selected.)
Text colorfield_blog_text_colorNoteaser text color (used when Color Card style is selected.)
Content AreaField group
Imagefield_blog_imageNoImage field for the Blog item. Entity reference to Media bundle.
Descriptionfield_blog_descriptionNoTextarea for the description/body with WYSIWYG, without summary.
Contentfield_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.
Sidebar AreaField group
Related contentfield_blog_relatedNoReference field for choosing related Blog nodes. Multiple Values.
Contentfield_sidebar_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.

URL pattern

Content type is using following pattern: /blog/[node:title]

5 - Branch

Branch content type is used for adding Branches on the site.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Titledrupal’s defaultYesTitle of the branch item.
Neighborhoodfield_location_areaNoA taxonomy reference field using the “Area” vocabulary.
Coming Soonfield_location_stateNoA checkbox field to determine branches in development.
Temporary URLfield_location_temp_urlNoA link field to provide a temporary page URL (a blog post, or something else) if the branch is coming soon.
Meta Tagsfield_meta_tagsNoA meta tags field allows us to provide structured metadata and Graph meta tags for Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn and other social networking sites.
ContactField group
Addressfield_location_addressYesAn address field that will provide the ability to add details about the locations. Details to be completed:
  • Address
  • City
  • State
  • Zip Code
Branch Coordinatesfield_location_coordinatesNoInput for providing the latitude and longitude information.
Phonefield_location_phoneYesInput for providing the phone information.
Faxfield_location_faxNoInput for providing the fax information.
Emailfield_location_emailNoInput for providing the email information.
Directionsfield_location_directionsNoA link field for adding the directions link.
Branch HoursField group
Branch Hoursfield_branch_hoursParagraphParagraph to indicate the branch hours.
Day of the weekfield_branch_hours_dayNoSelect list with following values:
  • sunday|Sunday
  • monday|Monday
  • tuesday|Tuesday
  • wednesday|Wednesday
  • thursday|Thursday
  • friday|Friday
  • saturday|Saturday
Start/End Timefield_branch_hours_timeNoTextfield with description “e.g. 9am - 5pm, closed.”
Header AreaField group
Contentfield_header_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.
Content AreaField group
Contentfield_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.
Bottom AreaField group
Contentfield_bottom_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.

URL pattern

Content type is using following pattern: /locations/[node:title]

6 - Camp

Camp content type is used for adding Camps on the site.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Titledrupal’s defaultYesTitle of the camp item.
Menu linksfield_camp_menu_linksYesLink field with multiple values, that should have the Title and Link field. Based on it, we will complete the Camp Menu.
Meta Tagsfield_meta_tagsNoA meta tags field allows us to provide structured metadata and Graph meta tags for Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn and other social networking sites.
ContactField group
Addressfield_location_addressYesAn address field that will provide the ability to add details about the locations. Details to be completed:
  • Address
  • City
  • State
  • Zip Code
Camp Coordinatesfield_location_coordinatesNoInput for providing the latitude and longitude information.
Phonefield_location_phoneYesInput for providing the phone information.
Faxfield_location_faxNoInput for providing the fax information.
Emailfield_location_emailNoInput for providing the email information.
Directionsfield_location_directionsNoA link field for adding the directions link.
Header AreaField group
Contentfield_header_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.
Content AreaField group
Contentfield_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.
Bottom AreaField group
Contentfield_bottom_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.

URL pattern

Content type is using following pattern: /camps/[node:title]

7 - Class

Class content type is used for adding Classes on the site.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Titledrupal’s defaultYesTitle of the class item.
Activityfield_class_activityNoA reference field for selecting the class.
Meta Tagsfield_meta_tagsNoA meta tags field allows us to provide structured metadata and Graph meta tags for Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn and other social networking sites.
Header AreaField group
Contentfield_header_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.
Content AreaField group
Descriptionfield_class_descriptionNoTextarea for the description/body with WYSIWYG, without summary.
Contentfield_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.
Sidebar AreaField group
Contentfield_sidebar_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.
Bottom AreaField group
Contentfield_bottom_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.

URL pattern

Content type is using following pattern: /programs/[node:field_class_activity:entity:field_activity_category:entity:field_category_program:entity:title]/[node:field_class_activity:entity:field_activity_category:entity:title]/[node:title]/class-times

8 - Event

Event content type is used for adding events on the site.


LabelMachine NameRequiredDescriptionField SettingsNotes
Titledrupal’s defaultYesTitle of the event item.
Sub-titledefault??NoSub-title of the event item.plain text
Locationsfield_event_locationYesReference field to branch and camp nodes. Multiple Values.Address for event; can be either a branch or non-branch location.
Categoryfield_event_categoryNoReference field for choosing the term from “Event Category” vocabulary. Multiple Values.
Meta Tagsfield_meta_tagsNoA meta tags field allows us to provide structured metadata and Graph meta tags for Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn and other social networking sites.
Imagefield_event_imageNoImage field for the Event item. Entity reference to Media
Datefield_event_dateYesThis will use Drupal date/time fields.
Add to Calendarfield_add_to_calendar_linkNolink
BodybodyNoTextarea for the description/body with WYSIWYG, without summary.
Contentfield_contentNoFilter list of available layout builder components
Related Contentfield_event_relatedNoReference field for choosing related Event nodes. Multiple Values.

URL pattern

Content type is using following pattern: /event/[node:title]

9 - Facility

Facility content type is used for adding facilities on the site.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Titledrupal’s defaultYesTitle of the facility item.
Neighborhoodfield_location_areaNoA taxonomy reference field using the Area Vocabulary(area).
Typefield_facility_typeNoA taxonomy reference field using the “Facility Type” vocabulary.
Facility Branchfield_facility_locNoA entity reference field to reference the related Branch node.
Meta Tagsfield_meta_tagsNoA meta tags field allows us to provide structured metadata and Graph meta tags for Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn and other social networking sites.
ContactField group
Addressfield_location_addressNoAn address field that will provide the ability to add details about the locations. Details to be completed:
  • Address
  • City
  • State
  • Zip Code
Facility Coordinatesfield_location_coordinatesNoInput for providing the latitude and longitude information.
Phonefield_location_phoneYesInput for providing the phone information.
Faxfield_location_faxNoInput for providing the fax information.
Emailfield_location_emailNoInput for providing the email information.
Directionsfield_location_directionsNoA link field for adding the directions link.
Facility Hoursfield_branch_hoursNoThe facility hours
Facility Holiday Hoursfield_branch_holiday_hoursNoAny special holiday hours for the facility.
Content AreaField group
Contentfield_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.
Sidebar AreaField group
Contentfield_sidebar_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.

URL pattern

Content type is using following pattern: /facility/[node:title]

10 - Landing Page

Landing Page content type is used for adding landing pages on the site.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Titledrupal’s defaultYesTitle of the landing page item.
Layoutfield_lp_layoutYesSelect list with the options:
  • one_column_clean|One Column - Full width
  • one_column|One Column
  • two_column|Two Columns
  • two_column_fixed|Two Columns with fixed sidebar (sticky at the top)
Meta Tagsfield_meta_tagsNoA meta tags field allows us to provide structured metadata and Graph meta tags for Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn and other social networking sites.
Header AreaField group
Contentfield_header_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.
Content AreaField group
Contentfield_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.
Sidebar AreaField group
Contentfield_sidebar_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.
Bottom AreaField group
Contentfield_bottom_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.

URL pattern

Content type is using following pattern: [node:title]

11 - Landing Page (Layout Builder)

Landing Page content type is used to add Landing Pages to your website using Layout Builder widgets.

This page is managed with Layout Builder. You may want to uncheck “Publish Content” before creating a page, use the “Layout” tab to build the content, then Publish when the page is complete. See our User Guide for help.


LabelMachine NameRequiredDescriptionField SettingsNotes
TitletitleyesTitle of Landing Page
MetadataField group
Meta descriptionfield_meta_descriptionnoShort text used for metatags and cardsText (plain, long)
Meta imagefield_meta_imagenoMedia image reference for use in metatags and cardsEntity reference (Media image)
Meta tagsfield_meta_tagsnoProvided by Metatag module

URL pattern

Content type is using following pattern: [node:title]

12 - Membership

Membership content type is used for adding membership on the site.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Titledrupal’s defaultYesTitle of the membership item.
Descriptionfield_mbrshp_descriptionYesTextarea for the description/body with WYSIWYG, without summary.
Imagefield_mbrshp_imageYesMedia field to upload the image.
Membership infofield_mbrshp_infoParagraphParagraph to indicate the location where the membership is available and the URL.
Locationfield_mbrshp_locationNoSelect list with locations (branches). Single value.
Linkfield_mbrshp_linkNoLink field to provide the membership redirect URL.
Join Feefield_mbrshp_join_feeNoDollar value for how much someone has to pay to join.
Monthly Ratefield_mbrshp_monthly_rateNoDollar value for the monthly fee of the membership.

URL pattern

Content type is using following pattern: /membership/[node:title]

13 - News

News Post content type is used for adding news posts on the site.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Titledrupal’s defaultYesTitle of the news item.
Locationsfield_news_locationYesReference field to branch and camp nodes. Multiple Values.
Categoryfield_news_categoryNoReference field for choosing the term from “News Category” vocabulary. Multiple Values.
Meta Tagsfield_meta_tagsNoA meta tags field allows us to provide structured metadata and Graph meta tags for Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn and other social networking sites.
Content AreaField group
Imagefield_news_imageNoImage field for the News item. Entity reference to Media bundle.
Descriptionfield_news_descriptionNoTextarea for the description/body with WYSIWYG, without summary.
Contentfield_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.
Sidebar AreaField group
Related contentfield_news_relatedNoReference field for choosing related News nodes. Multiple Values.
Contentfield_sidebar_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.

URL pattern

Content type is using following pattern: /news/[node:title]

14 - Program

Program content type is used for adding Programs on the site.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Titledrupal’s defaultYesTitle of the program item.
Meta Tagsfield_meta_tagsNoA meta tags field allows us to provide structured metadata and Graph meta tags for Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn and other social networking sites.
Header AreaField group
Iconfield_program_iconNoA image field, supporting .svg for uploading the program icon.
Imagefield_program_imageNoA image field, for uploading the program image.
Colorfield_program_colorNoReference field for choosing the term from “Color” vocabulary.
Contentfield_header_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types. If this field is not empty, then the image and icon are not displayed on the page.
Content AreaField group
Descriptionfield_program_descriptionNoTextarea for the description/body with WYSIWYG, without summary.
Contentfield_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.
Sidebar AreaField group
Contentfield_sidebar_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.

URL pattern

Content type is using following pattern: /programs/[node:title]

15 - Program Subcategory

Program Subcategory content type is used for adding program subcategories on the site.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Titledrupal’s defaultYesTitle of the program subcategory item.
Programfield_category_programYesA reference field for selecting the program.
Meta Tagsfield_meta_tagsNoA meta tags field allows us to provide structured metadata and Graph meta tags for Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn and other social networking sites.
Header AreaField group
Imagefield_category_imageNoA image field, for uploading the category image.
Colorfield_category_colorNoReference field for choosing the term from “Color” vocabulary.
Contentfield_header_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.
Content AreaField group
Descriptionfield_category_descriptionNoTextarea for the description/body with WYSIWYG, without summary.
Contentfield_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.
Sidebar AreaField group
Contentfield_sidebar_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.
Bottom AreaField group
Contentfield_bottom_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.

URL pattern

Content type is using following pattern: /programs/[node:field_category_program:entity:title]/[node:title]

16 - Promotion

Promotions are timed pieces of content that allow content editors the flexibility to create a single item that can be placed in multiple locations on the site, without having to duplicate or manage content in multiple locations.


NameMachine nameField typeRequired?
Subtitlefield_subtitleText (plain)
CTA / linkfield_linkLinkno
Descriptionfield_promo_descriptionText (formatted, long)no
Imagefield_promo_mediaEntity referenceyes
Pagesfield_promo_visibility_pagesText (plain, long)
Promotion Categoryfield_promo_categoryEntity referenceno
Promotion Priorityfield_promo_priorityList (text)yes
Promotion visibility statefield_promo_visibility_stateList (text)yes

URL pattern

No URL pattern. This content should not be visible on its own.

17 - Session

Session content type is used for adding Sessions on the site.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Titledrupal’s defaultYesTitle of the session item.
Classfield_session_classYesA reference field for selecting the program subcategory.
Session InfoField group--
Descriptionfield_session_descriptionNoTextarea for the description/body with WYSIWYG, without summary.
Genderfield_session_genderNoSelect List with Gender options: Coed, Male, Female.
Online registrationfield_session_onlineNoBoolean field that determines if the Register Now button/link gets displayed.
Ticket requiredfield_session_ticketNoCheckbox field to indicate that there is a ticket required.
Min Agefield_session_min_ageNoInput field for adding the min age.
Max Agefield_session_max_ageNoInput field for adding the max age.
Registration linkfield_session_reg_linkNoA link field with the Registration link Value.
MembershipField group--
In membershipfield_session_in_mbrshNoBoolean field that helps determine if the session is included into membership package.
Member pricefield_session_mbr_priceNoInput with with the price information for members.
Non Member Pricefield_session_nmbr_priceNoInput with with the price information for members.
LocationField group--
Locationfield_session_locationYesA reference field for selecting the branch or camp.
Physical Locationfield_session_plocationNoA reference field for selecting the facility.
TimeField group--
Exclusionsfield_session_exclusionsNoA date field that identifies dates that would normally have an instance of the session but won’t. Needs to be able to have multiple exclusions. Supports multiple values. Should be handled by a single date field with ’end date’ option enabled. Its widget should be adjust to not to show period end date, but show period end time (to keep period start/end date equal).
Timefield_session_timeParagraphSession schedule.
Date & Timefield_session_time_dateNoThis will use Drupal date/time fields & should be a single date field with ’end date’ and ’end time’ option enabled.
Daysfield_session_time_daysNoCheckboxes with following values:
  • sunday|Sunday
  • monday|Monday
  • tuesday|Tuesday
  • wednesday|Wednesday
  • thursday|Thursday
  • friday|Friday
  • saturday|Saturday
Should support multiple values.

URL pattern

No URL pattern. Eventually this content type shouldn’t be available for end users.

18 - Social Post

Social Post content type is used for adding Social Posts on the site. Social Posts are grabbed from social networks.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Titledrupal’s defaultYesTitle of the program item.
IDfield_idYesPost Id in social network. This is system field. Is used by post fetcher.
Imagefield_imageNoImage field for saving post image. Can save jpg and png formats.
Linkfield_linknoContains link to original post in social network.
Platformfield_platformnoThe name of platform where post was imported from.
Postfield_postyesText of post.
Postedfield_postednoDate when post was posted in social network

URL pattern

Content type is using following pattern: /social_post/[node:title]