
News Post content type is used for adding news posts on the site.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Titledrupal’s defaultYesTitle of the news item.
Locationsfield_news_locationYesReference field to branch and camp nodes. Multiple Values.
Categoryfield_news_categoryNoReference field for choosing the term from “News Category” vocabulary. Multiple Values.
Meta Tagsfield_meta_tagsNoA meta tags field allows us to provide structured metadata and Graph meta tags for Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn and other social networking sites.
Content AreaField group
Imagefield_news_imageNoImage field for the News item. Entity reference to Media bundle.
Descriptionfield_news_descriptionNoTextarea for the description/body with WYSIWYG, without summary.
Contentfield_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.
Sidebar AreaField group
Related contentfield_news_relatedNoReference field for choosing related News nodes. Multiple Values.
Contentfield_sidebar_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.

URL pattern

Content type is using following pattern: /news/[node:title]