WYSIWYG View Modes

Listed view modes are available for embedding in WYSIWYG editor.

View Modes

NameMachine nameDescription
Fullembedded_fullThis view mode displays media asset with full width.
Halfembedded_halfThis view mode displays media asset with half width and uses alignment.
Linkembedded_linkThis view mode displays link to media asset.

Bundles details


In “Full” and “Half” view modes image should be display in <img> tag with appropriate classes. Link - should lead to the original image with target=blank.


In “Full” and “Half” view modes should be displayed embedded video with appropriate classes. Link - should lead to the original video with target=blank.


In “Full” and “Half” view modes document should be displayed as iframe, where URL is URL to the document. Also it should have appropriate classes.

<iframe src="//docs.google.com/gview?url=URL&embedded=true" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Link - should lead to the original document with target=blank.