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    Relates to: Program Registration (Daxko)

    Configuration setting at /admin/config/development/daxko

    Account configuration must be setup before the Program Registration paragraph will work.

    GroupEx Pro

    There are three methods of integrating GroupEx Pro with your YMCA Website Services site. In order from most to least complex/customizable:

    • API integration
    • Embedded schedules
    • Responsive schedule link

    GroupEx PRO APIs

    YMCA Digital Services with the help of YMCA of the North have developed and adopted a Syncer for Repeat Application which helps to migrate from the GroupEx PRO Public API to the Daxko Group API v1 and pulls data from GroupEx PRO to Program Event Framework.

    See open-y-subprojects/openy_daxko_gxp_syncer for how to configure the Syncer.

    Embedded schedules

    This replaces the deprecated Embedded GroupEx Pro Schedule Paragraph.

    Embed code for GroupEx Pro schedules can be found in your GroupEx Pro admin interface.

    • Look for the “New embed” toggle.
      Screenshot showing “New Schedule” and other options in the GroupEx Pro admin.
    • Expand the options and choose any filters or colors that you prefer.
    • Disable the “Fixed Header” option.
      Screenshot showing “Schedule Hosting LInk / Embedded Code for New Schdule” from Daxko
    • Copy the resulting code, that will look something like this, substituting 000 for your own account number, and adding any location or category filters as needed:
      var acct = '000'; var loc = ''; var cat = ''; var stylesheet = ''; var hideLastnames = true;
      var jsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://" : "http://");
      document.write("<scr" + "ipt src='" + jsHost + "' type='text/javascript'></scr" + "ipt>");
      document.write("<scr" + "ipt>var jQuery = jQuery.noConflict(true);</scr" + "ipt>");
      document.write("<scr" + "ipt src='" + jsHost + "" + acct + "' type='text/javascript'></scr" + "ipt>");
    • Navigate to your YMCA website.
    • Follow the directions to add a Code Paragraph or a Code Block.
    • Paste the embed code into your block.
    • Save the paragraph/block and the page.

    If the pasted code does not appear on the page, ensure your site is updated with this change to enable direct copy/pasting of embed codes.

    While the incoming code is controlled by Daxko/GroupEx Pro, many changes can be made with CSS. Try the CSS Editor module (≥2.0.1) which is bundled with the distribution, or work with your development partner to make customizations.

    GroupEx Pro also provides direct links to the schedule page. These can be found in the “New Embed” section. Simply copy the link and add it to any link field or button on your site.