one-click install how-to

This walk-through is outdated and is in the process of being updated. Instead, try:

Installing YMCA Website Services on DigitalOcean droplet

  1. Create Ubuntu 16.04 LTS x64 droplet in area close to your location image

Use 2Gb droplet or more powerful if you need. Do not use 1Gb option - YMCA Website Services will fail on it.

  1. Login to the SSH console of the droplet
  2. Follow the comment from Basically - run a command under root
curl -Ls | bash -s

The command above will run approximately 10 minutes. 4. In the end you should see a message similar to

Open to proceed with OpenY installation.
  1. Open the link from the above message(from your console, not from this document) with your browser and proceed with YMCA Website Services installation.


In order to install the latest beta release of YMCA Website Services 2.0 change the command on step 3:

curl -Ls | bash -s beta

If you find any issues please post a message to the issue queue