The YMCA Website Services core team manages sandboxes for various configurations of the distribution to facilitate evaluation, to help with QA, and enable investigation of issues.
Getting started
Anyone can browse the sandboxes. Get started at
Get access to the sandboxes
To test the content editor experience or dig into the Drupal configuration you need to request login access by emailing us or asking anyone on the project team in the Y-USA Slack.
Behind the scenes
To learn more:
What’s in the sandboxes?
Each set of sandboxes contains 3 profile variations:
- Standard
- Extended
- Custom
And only one theme:
- Carnation
And there are multiple sandbox environments:
Stable Sandboxes
These sandboxes are based on the latest stable release of YMCA Website Services. They are set to rebuild completely overnight and clear their database and files every 2 hours.
These sandboxes are built on CI by running:
composer create-project YCloudYUSA/yusaopeny-project buildnew --no-interaction --prefer-dist
ansible-playbook docroot/reinstall.yml -i /tmp/inventory5068801741271597001.ini -f 5 -e php_env_vars=APP_ENV=dev -e mysql_user=*** -e mysql_password=*** -e mysql_db=sandbox_carnation_custom -e drupal_folder=/var/www/sandbox_carnation_custom -e site_url= -e pp_environment=demo -e run_reinstall=true -e "openy_profile_install_settings='openy_configure_profile.preset=complete openy_theme_select.theme=openy_carnation'" -e use_solr=false -i localhost, --connection=local -vvvv
Development Sandboxes
These sandboxes are based on the latest development version of YMCA Website Services or other branches as necessary. They are set to rebuild daily. Development sandboxes are rebuilt at the needs of the team and are not guaranteed. If one is not working, try another.
These sandboxes are built on CI by running:
composer create-project YCloudYUSA/yusaopeny-project:dev-9.2.x-development buildnew --no-interaction --prefer-dist
ansible-playbook docroot/reinstall.yml -i /tmp/inventory5068801741271597001.ini -f 5 -e php_env_vars=APP_ENV=dev -e mysql_user=*** -e mysql_password=*** -e mysql_db=sandbox_carnation_custom -e drupal_folder=/var/www/sandbox_carnation_custom -e site_url= -e pp_environment=demo -e run_reinstall=true -e "openy_profile_install_settings='openy_configure_profile.preset=complete openy_theme_select.theme=openy_carnation'" -e use_solr=false -i localhost, --connection=local -vvvv
Feature-based sandboxes
We also maintain sandboxes with specific features enabled. Each of these builds
Virtual Y Sandboxes
- latest release
- development version
These sandboxes are based on the YMCA Website Services stable Standard profile and the Virtual Experience Platform (aka “Virtual Y”, aka “Open Y Gated Content”) project.
Membership Framework Sandboxes
- latest release
- development version
These are based on the YMCA Website Services stable Standard profile and the development version of the Membership Framework.
To rebuild the sandbox, CI is running:
composer create-project YCloudYUSA/yusaopeny-project buildnew --no-interaction --prefer-dist
cd buildnew
composer config minimum-stability dev
composer require "openy/openy_memberships":"dev-master as 1.0.0"
ansible-playbook docroot/reinstall.yml -i /tmp/inventory13097841656330601319.ini -f 5 -e php_env_vars=APP_ENV=dev -e mysql_user=*** -e mysql_password=*** -e mysql_db=d9_sandbox_carnation_std_membership_framework -e drupal_folder=/var/www/d9_sandbox_carnation_std_membership_framework -e site_url= -e pp_environment=membership_framework -e run_reinstall=true -e "openy_profile_install_settings='openy_configure_profile.preset=standard openy_theme_select.theme=openy_carnation openy_select_content.content=0'" -e use_solr=false -i localhost, --connection=local -vvvv
Activity Finder Sandboxes
Theme | Link | WS Profile | Activity Finder | Theme | Bootstrap | |
Carnation | | stable | Custom | v4 dev | v4 | |
Carnation (with TractionRec importer) | | stable | Custom | v4 dev | v4 |
To rebuild the sandbox, CI is running:
composer create-project YCloudYUSA/yusaopeny-project:dev-9.2.x-development-af4 build --no-interaction --prefer-dist
cd ${WORKSPACE}/build
composer require YCloudYUSA/yusaopeny_activity_finder:"4.x-dev as 4.0"
ansible-playbook docroot/reinstall.yml -i /tmp/inventory4660848605526222353.ini -f 5 -e php_env_vars=APP_ENV=dev -e mysql_user=*** -e mysql_password=*** -e mysql_db=d9_sandbox_carnation_custom -e drupal_folder=/var/www/d9_sandbox_carnation_custom -e site_url= -e pp_environment=demo -e run_reinstall=true -e "openy_profile_install_settings='openy_configure_profile.preset=complete openy_theme_select.theme=openy_carnation'" -i localhost, --connection=local -vvvv
# Solr 4.5-4.9, Activity Finder v4
drush en -y search_api_solr_legacy openy_prgf_activity_finder_4 || true
drush cset -y search_api.server.solr -y || true
drush cset -y search_api.server.solr backend_config.connector_config.core ${VHOST_FOLDER} -y
drush cset -y search_api.server.solr backend_config.connector_config.solr_version 4.5 -y
drush search-api-mark-all || true
drush sapi-i || true
drush en -dvy openy_prgf_af4_demo || true
# Solr 4.5-4.9, Activity Finder v4, Carnation theme, bootstrap v4
drush cset -y openy_activity_finder.settings bs_version 4 || true