
These instructions explain how you can run tests.



Run full test suite

  1. Execute command

    $ cd profiles/contrib/openy
    $ sh runtests.sh
  2. Open http://site.com/profiles/contrib/openy/build/reports/behat in browser.

Run selenium container + Behat tests in usual way

In order to run only selenium container + behat in usual way:

$ cd profiles/contrib/openy
$ sh runtests.sh --tags run_selenium
$ bin/behat

Stop selenium container

In order to stop selenium container:

$ cd profiles/contrib/openy
$ sh runtests.sh --tags stop_selenium

If necessary, edit behat.local.yml to match your environment.

Visual debugging - Video

When you develop JS tests, it’s important to see what’s going on the Selenium screen. You can easily see this during development.

  1. Install https://www.realvnc.com/download/viewer
  2. Run selenium using command
$ cd profiles/contrib/openy
$ sh runtests.sh --tags run_selenium
  1. Open installed VNC Viewer and connect to the server with IP
  • Password = secret
  1. Run tests and you should see everything that is performed by behat tests in VNC client
$ bin/behat

Debugging JavaScript Behat tests

Custom Behat functionality

  • Create entities in table forms, with key to use in reference and reference entities by key.
    • KEY is optional, and must be all CAPS.
    • Taxonomy
      Given I create "taxonomy_term" of type "color" with key for reference:
        | KEY  | name  | field_color |
        | Blue | Blue  | 0000FF      |
        | Red  | Red   | FF0000      |
    • Paragraphs
      Given I create "paragraph" of type "small_banner" with key for reference:
        | KEY     | field_prgf_headline | field_prgf_color |
        | banner1 | Headline 1          | Blue             |
        | banner2 | Headline 2          | Red              |
    • Media entities
      Given I create "media" of type "image" with key for reference:
        | KEY       | name            | file         |
        | gallery_1 | Gallery image 1 | gallery.png  |
        | gallery_2 | Gallery image 2 | gallery2.png |
        | gallery_3 | Gallery image 3 | gallery3.png |
  • Create nodes in table forms, with key to use in reference and reference entities by key.
    • KEY is optional, and must be all CAPS.
    • Basic create
      Given I create "landing_page" content:
        | KEY       | title           | field_lp_layout | field_content |
        | landing_1 | Test Landing 01 | one_column      | banner1       |
        | landing_2 | Test Landing 02 | one_column      | banner2       |
    • Vertical field table
      Given I create large "landing_page" content:
        | KEY             | landing_3       | landing_4       |
        | title           | Test Landing 03 | Test Landing 04 |
        | field_lp_layout | one_column      | one_column      |
        | field_content   | banner1         | banner2         |
    • Create & view immediately
      Given I view a "landing_page" content:
        | KEY             | landing_5       |
        | title           | Test Landing 05 |
        | field_lp_layout | one_column      |
        | field_content   | banner1         |
    • Multiple referenced entities by key on a field.
      Given I create "landing_page" content:
        | KEY       | title           | field_lp_layout | field_content    |
        | landing_6 | Test Landing 06 | one_column      | banner1, banner2 |

Example Address and Latitude + Longitude

Fields with sub field/columns: The machine name and columns can be found in the form markup in the field name property. Inspect form field name depicted The first portion, field_location_address represents the Drupal field machine name, while the second array key address_line1 represents the column.

  • Add Address
    Given I view a "branch" content:
        | title                                | Branch Example  |
        | field_location_address:country_code  | US             |
        | :address_line1                       | Main road 10   |
        | :locality                            | Seattle        |
        | :administrative_area                 | WA             |
        | :postal_code                         | 98101          |
  • Add Latitude and Longitude
    Given I view a "branch" content:
      | title                          | Branch Example 2 |
      | field_location_coordinates:lat | 47.293433        |
      | :lng                           | -122.238717      |
      | field_location_phone           | +1234567890      |