
Expandable pairs of question/answer or header/section fields.

Screenshot of the Accordion component with block labels


To use the block:

  • Click the Layout tab at the top of your page
  • Scroll to the location on the page where you want to add a block
  • Click Add block
  • In the sidebar, click Create custom block
  • Choose the block to add.

Fill in the content fields:

  • Title (required): Displayed if Display title is checked, otherwise this is for administrative use.
  • Accordion Item: Add as many items as you like using the *Add Accordion Item or Add new custom block button. When you are finished adding or editing each item, be sure to click Create/Update tab or Create/Update custom block to finalize the item. Each item contains:
    • Heading (required): The heading that will be used to expand/contract the accordion.
    • Body (required): The content of the accordion.

Then save the block: