
Many blocks come together to create a configurable header and footer for Layout Builder pages.

Screenshot of the Header Section with block labels
Screenshot of the Footer Section with block labels


The header and footer on Layout Builder pages is composed of many complimentary blocks. The Header and Footer are special Sections that are pre-populated on each Layout Builder-enabled content type. If the Header or Footer do not already exist in your content, you can add them on your own.

Header Section

Screenshot of the Header Section with block labels

If a Header section does not already exist, add a new Section and choose the WS Header Layout. Then, add the following blocks by selecting Add block and then using the search box under All system blocks:

  • Utility Menu area
    • Left
      • Website Name Block
    • Right
      • Open Y Google Translate Block
  • Main Menu area
    • Left
      • Site Logo Block
    • Center
      • Main navigation
      • Search Bar Block
    • Right
      • User account menu

Each block has some specific configuration recommendations:

Website Name Block


  • Uncheck Display title.


  • The Site Name is found under Configuration > System > Basic site settings.

Open Y Google Translate Block


  • Uncheck Display title.


  • The contents of this block are not configurable, but it may be omitted or removed if your site does not provide translation uses another translation method.

Site Logo Block


  • Title (required): Never displayed, even if “Display Title” is checked. For administrative use only.
  • WS Site Logo: Choose which logo is displayed in the block.
    • Theme logo uses the logo defined by the active theme, in the Appearance > Settings > (The active theme).
    • Colorway logo uses a dynamic SVG that responds to the configured YMCA colorway. This option is recommended for the Header.
    • White logo uses a flat white logo. This option is recommended for the Footer.

The main navigation supports displaying up to three levels of menu items. When adding items, be sure to check Show as expanded for any parent item that should be expandable.

The menu with 3 levels of depth labeled.

The main navigation also supports an optional nested CTA block.


  • Uncheck Display title.
  • Menu levels controls which and how many levels of menu are displayed. We recommend using the default configuration.


  • Menu items can be managed under Structure > Menus > Main navigation.

Search Bar Block


  • Uncheck Display title.


  • The contents of this block are not configurable.

User account menu


  • Uncheck Display title.
  • Menu levels controls which and how many levels of menu are displayed. We recommend using the default configuration.


  • Menu items can be managed under Structure > Menus > User account.
  • To show items with a button style, add the highlighted to the menu item under Attributes > Class.
    The menu item configuration with the highlighted class added. An overlay in the upper right corner shows the resulting link.
    • On mobile devices, only highlighted items from this menu will display.

Screenshot of the Footer Section with block labels

If a Footer section does not already exist, add a new Section and choose the WS Footer Layout. Then, add the following blocks by selecting Add block and then using the search box under All system blocks:

  • Primary Footer
    • Site Logo
    • Footer Menu Left
    • Footer Menu Center
    • Footer Menu Right
    • Footer Social
  • Sub-footer
    • Copyright
    • Footer Menu

See above. The “white logo” is recommended for the footer.

Each of these three blocks references a menu. The three menus can be used to split footer links across multiple columns.


  • Display title: Uncheck to hide the title, or turn the menu title on to give each column a title.
  • Menu levels controls which and how many levels of menu are displayed. We recommend using the default configuration.


  • Menu items can be managed under Structure > Menus > Footer Menu Left, Footer Menu Center, or Footer Menu Right.


  • Display title: It’s up to you.



  • Uncheck Display title.


  • Go to Structure > Block layout > Custom block library
  • Find the Footer Copyright Block
  • Edit the block, then Save when finished.

This menu is typically for a limited number of links such as “Privacy Policy” or “Terms of Use”.


  • Uncheck Display title.
  • Menu levels controls which and how many levels of menu are displayed. We recommend using the default configuration.


  • Menu items can be managed under Structure > Menus > Footer.

The main menu with a CTA block

The Main navigation has an additional feature that allows for adding a nested call-to-action that takes the place of the third level of the menu.

To use it:

  • Go to Extend (admin/modules) and enable the Web Services Main Menu CTA Block module (y_lb_main_menu_cta_block).
  • Edit a top-level menu item (like “Programs” or “Schedules”) via one of these methods.

    CTA blocks will only be displayed on first-level menu items. Blocks on all other levels will be ignored.

    1. Click the in the Main Menu section, then choose Edit menu.
      The Edit Menu item in the main menu contextual options
    2. Go to Admin > Structure > Menus > Main navigation then Edit a link.
  • In the CTA block section, click Add new custom block.
    The “Add new custom block” button
  • Fill in the fields:
    • Expand the Media section and choose or upload an image
    • Add a short Heading
    • Add a short 1-2 sentence Description
    • Add a link and display text for the Menu CTA Link
    • Add a Block description for administrative purposes only
    • Click Create custom block to save the block.
  • Save the menu item.
  • Go back to a Layout Builder page with the menu and refresh. The menu CTA should now appear when the corresponding menu dropdown is open.

Menu CTA items will not appear on pages that use Paragraphs-based layout. CTAs also ony show on desktop and not mobile displays.