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A simple pop-up dialog that is triggered when a page loads.

    Screenshot showing the field titles overlaid on the design


    To use the block:

    • Click the Layout tab at the top of your page
    • Scroll to the location on the page where you want to add a block
    • Click Add block
    • In the sidebar, click Create custom block
    • Choose the block to add.

    Fill in the content fields:

    • Title (required): Never displayed, even if “Display Title” is checked. For administrative use only.
    • Modal title: The displayed title of the popup.
    • Modal description: The text displayed in the body of the popup.
    • Modal CTA/Link (required): A link at the bottom of the popup.
    • Modal Dismissible: If “Yes” the modal will be shown to the user once on first load. If “No” the modal will be shown on every page load.

    Then save the block: