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Taxonomy, Vocabularies, and Terms

Group pieces of related content together for tagging, filtering, sorting and grouping.

    The Taxonomy feature in YMCA Website Services creates organized lists of categories, which allow you to group content, create folders for Images ( in YMCA Website Services 2.4 and later) and create standard options for dropdown fields in your content.

    Each list is called a Vocabulary, while each item in your list is called a Term. Terms comprise a Term Name and any additional data/settings for that particular vocabulary (see below in Vocabularies in YMCA Website Services for details).

    How to Edit Vocabulary Lists

    Go to Structure > Taxonomy. When you find the Vocabulary you want to edit, click List Terms.

    The taxonomy item options

    You can rearrange your terms by hovering your mouse over the cross icon and dragging them. This will determine the order in which they appear. By default these are alphabetical.

    Reordering taxonomy items via drag and drop

    Moving a term to the right will “nest” it underneath another term, making it a “child” to that term.

    Adding/Editing Terms

    Click on Edit to make changes to an existing item or Add Term to add a new one.

    On the next page, you can add a Name for your vocabulary and an optional Description.

    Below those two fields, you can add the additional information unique to your vocabulary.

    Term Example - Grey Color

    The Color Vocabulary provides a standard list of color options across your website, such as in a background color for your header.

    The list of color taxonomy items in a dropdown
    To change your shade of grey, you would go to Structure > Taxonomy > Color > Grey.

    Below the name of your Grey term, you’ll find a color widget where you can change your standard shade of Grey across your site.

    In this example, you can change the color of the Grey term in the Color Vocabulary using a Color widget.

    The field admin for a taxonomy color item


    Because Vocabularies are lists of categories, how they will show up depends on which Vocabulary you use.


    Used for tagging branches with amenities. Amenities display on a branch page and as a filter on a locations page.

    The locations page with a list of amenities


    As mentioned above, Color is a list of colors you can use across your site, primarily in your page headers, small banners, galleries and banners.

    Blog/News Category

    These taxonomies tag blog/news posts. Categories display in the sidebar and as filters in your Blog Post Listing and News Posts Listing paragraphs, respectively.

    Media Folders

    Creates folders for your images in the media browser.

    View Media Folders tutorial ⇒

    Media Tags

    Creates tags for filtering images (YMCA Website Services 2.3.3 and earlier), Documents and Videos in the media browser.

    View Image and Document tutorials