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Module Development

    Module content removal

    When deleting an entity, where plugins or services of removing module are used, then content removal should be done in the hook_uninstall() of that module. See openy_prgf_camp_menu.install as example.

    Creating a new module

    When creating a module on, be sure to check the following:

    1. Add all current maintainers.
    2. Edit and add this module template:
    <table class="views-view-grid" bgcolor="#d4efcc"><tr><td><h2>πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦</h2></td><td>This module is maintained by Ukrainian developers. Please consider <a href="">supporting Ukraine</a> in a fight for their freedom and the safety of Europe.</td></tr></table>
    <!-- Edit this section with a short intro to the module -->
    This component/module allows you to ... when using the <a href="">YMCA Layout Builder</a> package.
    <!-- Leave this section as is -->
        <li>Read our <a href="">instructions for getting started</a>.</li>
        <li><a href="">Search our documentation</a> for assistance.</li>
        <li><a href="">Review our Community Resources</a> for more information.</li>
    <h3 id="project-requirements">Requirements</h3>
    This project is meant to be used with the <a href="">YMCA's Website Service distribution</a>.